Sandra’s Poetry

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Reminder WHY Khmers should NOT VOTE for Hun Sen/CPP

Hun Sen/CPP is NO DIFFERENT Pol Pot Regime. Anyone that stands up for the Right against Hun Sen/CPP are killed, tortured, or sentence to starvations (Robbing you farmland or the means of support system) then, they tells the world that Khmer Citizens are doing something against the law. Folks!!! Isn’t that what Pol Pot Regime done to your love ones?

DO NOT vote for Hun Sen/CPP and its Klan

DO NOT vote for Hun Sen/CPP and its Klan

DO NOT vote for Hun Sen/CPP and its Klan

DO NOT vote for Hun Sen/CPP and its Klan

DO NOT vote for Hun Sen/CPP and its Klan

DO NOT LIVE WITH FEAR my fellow Khmers; if we don't stand up and fight today, it is only a matter of time before they robb EVERYTHING from our family and make us suffer even more than they already have.

2nd video clip shows Government officials shooting the unarmed and Harmless villagers

here is video of these child crying for justict
Pictures DOES NOT lie. pay attention to the Date...........DO NOT VOT for Hun Sen/CPP and its Klan
Hun Sen/CPP will Kill, and steal your farmland, your life, and your Right.  DO NOT LIVE WITH FEAR my fellow Khmers, it is only a matter of time before they steal EVERYTHING from your family.
even monk Hun Sen/CPP shows no respect.
 Khmer version of Dalai Lama was Loun Savath was arrested morning of 5/23/2012 at the Cambodain Surprem Court and sent to Defrock at Watbottum……….. Due to reasons below

*************** VOTE FOR Sam Rainsy Party ****************

VOTE for Sam Rainsy Party, Khmer citizens deserve Fairness & FREEDOM

VOTE for Sam Rainsy Party, Khmer citizens deserve Fairness &  FREEDOM

VOTE for Sam Rainsy Party, Khmer citizens deserve Fairness & FREEDOM

VOTE for Sam Rainsy Party, Khmer citizens deserve Fairness &  FREEDOM

Sam Rainsy Party and its Members are peacefull and kind hearted people........... with sincer care for Khmers as a whole.

I truly believe in Sam Rainsy Party can make the different for Cambodia as a whole, WITH OUT GREEDS. MOST of them devoted their time working for the Party (primary job with out salary) and work 2nd job to support their families/living. SOME went abroad seeking works to support individuals with potentials to help better the live of others (not relatives) with in the Rainsy’s Party and they do so out of kind heart with out any greed, they sacrifices all luxuries for the goodness sake of Khmers …. They could have bought themselves luxuries but instead, they are living WITH OUT any possession, only to keep as little as what is needed.

Some were asks
“why are you so stupid for working 2 jobs just to support folks not even relate to you? You could have bought luxury car, house, and other nice things!!!”

His response to the question was
“to make you happy and proud of your achievement you bought yourself a car, scarified payment of $600- $800 monthly and after about 10yrs what do you have? Nothing but a rundown old car, mine, and it satisfies me to know that I'm planting the seed of tomorrow; my sacrifice is for the better cause. I am happy to put someone through educations and educate others for the BETTER, to help generations long after I’m gone. So you see!!! You and I done it for sole purpose of Happiness and satisfactions.”
Sam Rainsy Party deserve your VOTE because truly Love and Khmers.  
Sam Rainsy Party and its Members are peacefull and kindhearted people........... with sincer Love and Care for Khmers as a whole. 
Folks!! DO NOT give hope and give in, there are millions of young generation with good heart and good intention to help build and preserve Khmer as a whole and they will do so WITH OUT any greed.......... please elect the Party witch you think or see they that they are Selfless, those are the ones that truly love Khmers and that is not the Opportunist. 


  1. You seem to support SR and his views. Why all the hate towards HS when he gave your country freedom from PolPot? IS Cambodia a better place now? I have been there and I can tell you all the people I see and meet at all happy.

    1. Regarding “Hatred”, there’s NO room for hatred in my heart but LOVE, I love my fellow Khmers too much to ignore their daily pains and sufferings.

      Regarding “Hun Sen gave Khmer FREEDOM”
      Please open your eyes and look beyond your backyard…WHAT freedom? And Hun Sen DID NOT save Khmers from Pol Pot, he saved himself being executed and indulged himself to the absolute/merciless power, Steals and Kill the poor, the innocent and the defenseless while on his path to the fortune that OUR ancestor left for Khmer as a whole. Well! if anything, Hun Sen and its Klan uses Khmer as a whole to beg/borrow the international’s donations and the World Bank for millions & millions to build their personal empire and leave “The Debt” for us (Khmer Citizens) to pay back for generations to come.

      A person with much GREED will do anything…..

      But thank you for your time, Sandra

  2. 1st off, I want thank you for your time and interest.
    Thank you for your feedback.

    Regarding "Bad Posts", these are TRUTHS that my fellow Khmers need to be aware of in order for them to vote wisely and NOT vote "Blindly" therefore, it is informative.

    Regarding “spreading Love and Goodness”, if you understand the purpose and contents in it entirely then, you’ll see that in my I’m full of LOVE.

    Regarding “How dare I Paints the bad image of such”, the WORLD has seen it all before it hit my Blog.

    Regarding “Get a real life”, I do have a real LIFE, and that is to remind my follow Khmers that together, we will and have the POWER to change for the BETTER…. With OUT Hun Se/ and its greedy Klan that steals and robs from the poor and the defenseless.

    again, thank you for your time. Sandra


About Me

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Howdy folks! My name is Sandra; I enjoy being the reminder of good and bad times. I wish to help those that are most needed, especially the Malnutrition ones. I know that if our "Helps" don't come today, there might not be a "Tomorrow" for them. Your kindness and support is very important to me, I and those who in need of your help would greatly appreciate your donations. There are organizations listed at the very top of the page, a donation site of your choice. I hope to capture you Heart and Soul by telling true story in a short form, "POEMS" if you will. Please keep in mind that I don't mean to offend anyone and that all my writing is base on Truths, Facts, Child-hood memories, and what will inspire me to write. Thank you for your time, forthcoming respond and understanding, Sandra